If you are selling products in Denmark, you might have to pay excise duties. You can ease the burden of excise duty compliance by leaving the registration and monthly declarations to the Danish authorities with us.
If you are obliged to declare and pay excise duties in Denmark, you can safely leave the job with us and be assured that you are compliant. We will act as your representative in all issues regarding the excise duties.
In Denmark, there is an excise duty on some products, following the EU’s directive 2008/118/EF, as well as national excise duties. The content of your products determines whether you must declare and pay excise duty and the amount you need to pay.
We will be happy to guide you in the field of excise duties in Denmark and help you determine if the products you sell are liable to the harmonized and/or national excise duties in Denmark.
Feel free to contact us to get a non-binding offer on our excise duty services.
As soon as you start selling these types of products to consumers in Denmark, your company must be registered for excise duties with the Danish authorities (SKAT) and each month you must declare and pay excise duties on your sales.
We can assist you in working out which registrations are needed, handle the paperwork with the Danish authorities and make sure your declarations are made on time each month.
You simply send us your sales for the month, and we will calculate the amount to be declared and paid. We will make the declarations on your behalf and guide you in the payment procedure. This way you are always compliant with regards to your excise duties.
If you leave us in charge of handling your excise duties in Denmark, we will also take care of the communication with the Danish authorities, where the paperwork and letters are usually in Danish.
Most excise duties must be declared and paid by the 15th of the month after the declared period.
If you would like to know more about our services or have any questions about excise duties, please contact us at contact@danish-vat-reg.com or +45 77 30 60 60.
We will be happy to present a non-binding offer to you.
When you are registering for excise duties in Denmark you do not always have to register for VAT. This depends on the products and the setup for your excise taxable sales. In some cases, you do need a Danish VAT number, but in other cases, it is possible to make use of the OSS scheme (from July 1st, 2021).
Read more about OSS, and please contact us to guide you on the VAT registration in connection with excise duties.
We are a proud member of the first European network of experts in excise and environmental taxes called the European Excise Association, EEA.
European Excise Association has been created to provide comprehensive information and professional contact details on excise duty matters to all operators. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages, energy products (oil, gas, electricity), tobacco… B2B, B2C, duty suspension, duty paid… Our experts are here for you. If you want to stay up to date on all the latest news in Europe in relation to excise and environmental taxes, subscribe to the European Excise Association Newsletter.
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