VAT Obligations

If you are VAT registered in Denmark, you will meet several obligations from the Danish authorities. Danish VAT Reg. will naturally take care of these obligations on your behalf. We will contact you if there is a need for you to give us information. In this way, you will not miss any deadlines.


VAT returns must be filed either monthly, quarterly, or twice a year depending on the company’s annual turnover. The electronic filing of VAT returns is mandatory. Newly registered companies are generally set to file VAT on a quarterly basis at the beginning of their VAT liable activities in Denmark. If your company’s annual turnover in Denmark exceeds DKK 50,000,000 the company is set for monthly filing immediately. And if the turnover does not exceed DKK 5,000,000 the frequency will be changed to bi-annual.


If you sell zero-rated goods or services to taxable companies in other EU countries you are obliged to report this monthly on the EU sales list. If you are not liable to file VAT monthly the reporting frequency for EU sales lists can be changed to quarterly.

The information is reported as a total amount per customer for the given period, divided into sales of goods, services, and triangulation. Your customer’s VAT number must be registered with the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) in order to be eligible for an EU sales list declaration.


Intrastat is the statistics which describe Denmark’s foreign trade with goods to and from other EU member states. Intrastat declarations must be submitted monthly if the following thresholds are exceeded:

Imports to Denmark: DKK 6,000,000

Exports from Denmark: DKK 4,700,000

The companies obliged to report Intrastat are selected on the basis of the information reported on the VAT return and on previous reports of Intrastat.


Some types of goods are excised products for example:

  • alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • wine, beer, mineral waters
  • tobacco
  • coffee and tee
  • oil, gas, and electricity
  • packaging

Generally, a company must register for excise duties whether the company produces excised goods themselves or buys the excised goods from abroad. There are different forms of registration depending on the situation. Excise duties are accounted for and paid for every month. The Danish authorities can require the foreign company to appoint a Danish fiscal representative depending on the specific situation. Contact us for further information.


Besides the ongoing submission of the mentioned declarations, we also manage the relations with the Danish tax office and deal with all correspondence from them on your behalf.


Once registered for VAT a business is obligated to comply with all VAT reporting deadlines. However, if taxable business activity no longer exists in Denmark, or your company has ceased trading here, it can cancel the VAT registration. If you need to de-register your company, we will handle this for you as well – at a fixed low-cost fee.

A de-registration will not be accepted by the authorities if there are any outstanding VAT returns to be filed or if there are queries or audits which have not been ended.