VAT Registration

Find out if you need VAT registration in Denmark and what kind of VAT obligations follows with the VAT registration.

We will be happy to assist you with your registration in Denmark and act as your fiscal representative if needed.

If a foreign company supplies goods or services in Denmark, it may be required to VAT register as a foreign company. There is no registration threshold for foreign companies in Denmark. Usually, the non-resident company will be liable to register for VAT purposes as soon as they initiate VAT liable activities in Denmark for example if it:

  • holds stocks in Denmark and sell the goods to local or foreign customers
  • organizes events such as conferences, courses, and symposiums in Denmark where attendees or delegates must pay admission
  • buys goods in Denmark and sells them to Danish customers without goods leaving the country
  • sells goods from Denmark delivered to customers outside of Denmark (business or private customers)
  • acquires goods in Denmark from another EU country (Intra-community acquisitions)
  • imports goods from 3rd countries to Denmark
  • supplies services connected to immovable property located in Denmark to a non-taxable Danish customer
  • is a foreign distance seller selling to private Danish consumers and exceeds a turnover of DKK 280.000 (approx. EUR 38.000 per calendar year)

Danish VAT Reg. can assist your company if you need to VAT register in Denmark.

Contact us for further information at / +45 77 30 60 60.

To register your company in Denmark we will require the following:

  • a copy of your local VAT certificate
  • a power of attorney appointing Danish VAT Reg. ApS as your Danish representative
  • information on your planned business activities in Denmark expected yearly turnover and the date of the beginning of the activity

Companies outside of the EU (from countries with no agreement of reverse charge) need to register through a fiscal representative in Denmark: read more.